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A Note From Our Executive Director:

With the New Year upon us, it reminds us to reflect on all that our supporters have given the Canadian Animal Task Force this past year. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all of the unwavering support and dedication. Our supporters and volunteers invaluable commitment and contributions were an instrumental part of our success in 2023.

Like many others in the animal welfare industry, we were faced with a number of unforeseen challenges. From assisting with the devastating wildfires to pleading for volunteers, along with an increase of people requiring assistance. Despite everything, the continued support for CATF made it possible to make an incredible impact on more than 3,000 animals and their families. 

Our volunteers and supporters are the driving force behind the success of CATF. As a volunteer-propelled organization, we are reliant on our team to be able to facilitate and execute our programs. This year was one of the most challenging when recruiting volunteers as sign-ups were minimal.  This had us worried that we may not be able to move forward with the clinics, but we knew we could count on volunteers! By answering our pleas for help, we were able to complete five large on-site clinics and two cat clinics. We even connected with a wonderful organization Canadian Wings of Rescue that made it possible to fly several of our Veterinarians and Technologists to one of our Northern Clinics. 

When devastating wildfires covered much of Northern Alberta, we were asked to assist communities with animals that remained in the evacuated areas. The fires destroyed homes and parts of the communities leaving residents unable to return and unknowing of the state of their homes. We made the difficult decision to postpone a large onsite clinic along with a cat clinic and head north to evacuate animals from the fires. Over the following weeks, animals were matched with their owners and cared for until the families were in a safe location and able to be reunited with their pets. This was not a small feat, and we are so thankful for everyone who was able to help with animal extraction, animal care, and the reunification of pets and their families. 

The demand for services in animal welfare continues to rise and we have seen a drastic increase in requests for assistance. I am delighted to share with you that in November we embarked on an exciting new expansion by moving to a new building. Thanks to your continued support this will allow us to increase our existing programs, accommodate the growing demand, and assist more people and animals. We are filled with excitement and anticipation for 2024 as we have some big plans and can’t wait to share them with you so make sure to stay up to date with our newsletter!

Together we made this possible.

Spayed/Neutered & Other Surgeries: 1744

Treatments Provided: 325

Placed in Short-Term Care: 24

Placed with Partner Groups: 1037

On behalf of the entire Canadian Animal Task Force, we wish you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season filled with love, laughter, and the warm company of cherished pets. Thank you once again for your support, and here’s to a prosperous and fulfilling new year.

With deepest gratitude,

RJ Bailot, Executive Director

Canadian Animal Task Force


Curious About the Numbers?

Check out our Clinic Stats page to see how many animals have been assisted this year and previous years.